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The Fastest Fibre Broadband Ever: 43 Tbps Over A Single Fibre | High Quality Fiber Broadband

The Fastest Fibre Broadband Ever: 43 Tbps Over A Single Fibre

  • by : Rachel Green
  • Category : High Quality Fibre Broadband,

The research on increasing the internet speed has been going on for years. A research group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was the first announcer to cross the barrier of 1 terabit speed over a single optical fibre in 2019. They have also set the milestone to cross the 43 terabits per second through the optical fibre, which exactly measures 5.4 terabytes per second or 5,375 gigabytes to be exact.
Then what would be the fact? According to the DTU’s new fibre network, you could transfer the entire contents of a 1 TB hard drive in a fifth of a second- or a 1 GB DVD rip in 0.2 seconds.
A few years back- in 2011, the topmost speed of a single optical fibre was 26 terabit per second. The research was accomplished by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. But, DTU has set the records on fibre optic technology by passing high-speed data through it. From 2009 to 2011, they gradually reached their desired success of passing 43 terabits per second over a single optic fibre. The saddest point of DTU researchers is that some people give priority to Karlsruhe, as they think that this is the shadow of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. However, it is a friendly competition and probably, it should not hurt anyone.
Besides using high quality fiber-broadband, DTU uses the technology of passing high-speed internet over a single fibre. They have researched over a plenty of demonstrations, and they have tried to pass thousands of terabits or petabits per second. At last, they have now got the success to pass high-speed internet service by sending single ray over the single fibre-optic network. They have taken single-laser-single-fiber technology, because, this is the basic theory and backbone of entire broadband technology. Therefore, from the demonstration, they are about to bring the newest high-speed broadband service in the real world in a few years. The days are not so far when you will be able to download an entire TV show in the blink of an eye. Your official heavy files will be transferred or retrieved within the fraction of a second.
How did the DTU get success to achieve the target of 43 Tbps and outdid the technology of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology? DTU used seven core fibre produced by the Japanese giant telecom technology NTT. Karlsruhe achieved their success in achieving 26 Tbps through the single core fibre. Here is the extensive success that DTU achieved by using multicore fibre- a costly achievement.
However, DTU has disclosed very little information about their multicore fibre technology to pass the internet through. The conventional method of passing data through the fibre is either SDM or WDM technology (spatial/wavelength-division multiplexing). Basically, the single signal has been sent by using different frequencies or sending signals after a few microseconds so that different signals do not collide with one another.
Currently, the fastest commercial single laser single fibre technology can provide 100Gbps. The most advanced network can provide you 400 Gbps or 1 Tbps now. But, soon, the subscribers will be able to get more speed than that of course.
If you want high quality fiber-broadband for your commercial communication, contact Trust Telecom today and enjoy seamless service.

04 Apr