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Coronavirus: How UK Telecom Companies Manage Surge in Internet Usage

  • by : Rachel Green
  • Category : Internet, technology, technology, Telecom Company, Telecom Services,

The 2020 crisis have led people to bar movement. Locked inside their homes for months have made them turn to alternate distractions. The internet, we know, is the modern tool for entertainment and escape.

With the crisis at hand, the world is turning to a virtual window to the world news, video streaming, e-books, information and more.

So, to make internet and broadband available in every household, the UK telecom companies have come together to manage the surge in internet and mobile phone usage. Since millions have been forced to remain in isolation, people seek refuge in spending time with the internet.

The coronavirus pandemic has led UK governments to issue lockdown nationwide. And this necessitates work from home that eventually calls for using the internet.

Besides, the sudden halt in locomotion has made students all over the world turn to video call meetings to resume classes. This needs consistent internet yet again.

Video Streaming is also another reason for some users to upgrade to a better internet package.

How the surge in internet acts as a ripple to the lockdown order

In the light of the current coronavirus pandemic, social distancing directly effects the video streaming habits. According to Nielsen, people staying home can increase up to 60-percent in overall online content consumption.

In addition, the video streaming channels are filling in the consumer appetite with movies that should run in theatres, standard series, and infinite more.

That was entertainment. The biggest possible reason for the surge.

A level down, comes the work from home compulsion. This necessitates the importance of a network connection for both work and video conference meetings.

There’s another big reason for the sudden surge in internet is the students throughout the world are resuming classes online.

So, the ones who didn’t have the strong connection to be present at an online class enroll as new users. Or, the teachers and professors who earlier didn’t have internet configured to conduct a consistent class, are also the new subscribers.

Also, there has been a mass upgrade in the internet package as well. Some subscribers used the basic package. Due to compulsion from all sides, some had to upgrade to a more consistent package.

To tackle this surge, UK telecom companies are managing the surge in internet tactfully.

How UK telecom companies manage surge in internet usage

In Britain, 14 internet and telecom companies agreed with UK’s DCMS department to offer additional connectivity and service support to the NHS staff.

The DCMS four-part plan to support the NHS staff order each firm to:

  • Offer identified NHS frontline staff who are existing customers with mobile data access, voice calls, text at no extra cost on personal mobiles used for work.
  • Improve connectivity in care homes wherever possible.
  • Offer generous data allowances for vulnerable customers who depend on mobile connections. This way, they can have remote conversations without a fixed broadband connection.
  • Prioritize broadband upgrades for NHS clinicians working from home.

The way telecom companies in the UK are making internet available to every household that are in need keeping the affordability aspect intact. So, they can deliver work to keep the economy from toppling down with the help of this essential networking outlet. This way, UK telecom and internet services manage surge in internet usage.

23 Apr